I have released four recipe books so far:

The Best of the Sunny Raw Kitchen
The Best of Raw Freedom Community
Delightfully Raw and
Deliciously Raw

These feature some of the most delectable creations to have come out of my raw kitchen and will appeal to anyone interested in a healthier diet, regardless of their level of knowledge and experience. From easy one-step everyday fare to more elaborate and involved gourmet dishes and layered cakes, they offer something for everyone and every occasion. Incredibly tasty smoothies, creamy and comforting warm soups, sexy salads, delicious nut cheezes, satisfying entrees and scrumptious guilt-free desserts...

Healthy food never tasted so good!

To learn more about my recipe books, click here!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Recipe of the Week: Creamy Peppercorn Ranch Dressing

One area where I often draw blanks when it comes to recipe creation is dressings. And to make matters worse, I'm also rather picky in that department. For instance I don't care much for oily dressings, usually subbing part of the oil called for with avocado, nor do I like completely fat free ones. So you'll understand my excitement that in the last week or so I've discovered not one but two dressings that I adore! Woo hoo! No worries, I'll share both of them with you. ;-)

Let's start with a wonderfully creamy dressing that was submitted by Natalia of Glowing Temple, for Living Light's 2010 Hot Raw Chef contest. It totally rawks! Soooooo creamy and flavorful! For some reason it almost tastes like parmesan to me. Anyhoo, an absolute must try!

Creamy Peppercorn Ranch Dressing
By Natalia of Glowing Temple
Submitted to Living Light's 2010 Hot Raw Chef contest

Yields about 2 1/4 cups

1/3 cup water
1/3 cup lemon juice
2/3 cup (shelled hemp seeds (aka hemp heart)
5 cloves garlic
2 tsp black peppercorn
1 tsp sea salt
1 cup cold pressed olive oil

Blend all ingredients except olive oil in blender until smooth.

Add the olive oil through the top's small opening while the blender is running, starting at low speed and quickly going to high (the process should only take a few seconds.)

Carmella's Notes:
~ I used more like 3/4 cup water as I found it too thick for my taste.

~ As Natalia points out in her video, it sounds like a lot of garlic but the flavor isn't overwhelming at all.


  1. That dressing looks great! It almost has a blue hue to it. Very cool!

  2. What are hemp hearts?

  3. Hi! That salad dressing sounds SO good. I'm worried about the amount of oil, as I'm not completely raw yet and don't need that much fat in my diet. Is there a substitution? Also, how long do you think it will last in the fridge. I was thinking it could last for a few days for my salad at lunch? thanks again for posting it!!

  4. pamatha,
    Hemp hearts is just another term for 'shelled hemp seeds'.

    I find that this recipe yields quite a lot so it might be a good idea to only make half. As for the oil I'm sure you could try using less. I'd recommend starting with half the amount then stopping to test if you like it. I'm thinking that in that case it might also be a good idea to adjust the other ingredients as well too so that the flavors stay balanced.

  5. I saw her video for the contest and could tell it would be a wonderful dressing. I am so excited to try it now that we are back from our trip!!
    Thanks for sharing it also.
    Peace and Raw Health,

  6. Ooops! Just realized I forgot to respond to one of your questions Nicole! Sorry about that! I'd say it should keep for at least 4 or 5 days in the fridge.

  7. Hi Beauty!!! Thanks so much for sharing my recipe. I'm so thrilled that you liked it! You are right--it will certainly last quite a few days. I've eaten it up to a week after making it, still fresh with all the lemon & garlic in there.
    Have a blessed day!

  8. Hello Carmella, I am new to the raw lifestyle. Any suggestions where I should start with your recipe books? I try to stay away from high fats and high carbs, not much of a sweet eater. Please advise!!

    1. Let's see, I think your best bet might be Deliciously Raw as all the recipes are designed for the blender, so lots of great smoothies, soups, dressings, some spreads and sauces and a few simple desserts.
