Last year, I marked this special event by shining the spotlight on the forum's many talented recipe creators with the release of The Best of Raw Freedom Community. This ebook is a collective work featuring 99 recipes contributed by myself and 20 other RFC members.
With all that's been going on in our lives in the last little while, I don't foresee another ebook coming out any time soon, but that's not to say we can't go wild and party! ;-)
In addition to selling The Best Of The Sunny Raw Kitchen and The Best of Raw Freedom Community separately, I've decided to also offer them together as one convenient package. You can now purchase these two best sellers with a single click!

The package will be available for a sliding scale starting at $19.98, but for this special anniversary occasion, from now until the 20th, you can purchase if for only $15.99!
The downloading instructions for the ebooks will be sent to your inbox shortly after you've completed your payment. (If you don't receive it, you might want to make sure it hasn't been sent to your SPAM or junk folder!)
If you haven't had a chance to pop over to Raw Freedom Community yet or for those of you who are in the process of getting familiar with the forum's nooks and crannies, here are a few of the things you can do while visiting our site:
- Find out what RFC is about by looking at the FAQs (under 'Quick Start Guide')
- Meet our members and tell us a little about yourself (under 'Introduce Yourself')
- Drool over mouth-watering recipe photos in the 'Photo Only Thread'
- Browse through our ever-growing virtual recipe book, or post your favorites raw recipes
- Set up your homepage, start a blog, or build your network via our awesome new Zoints Local feature.
- Share what it's like 'Living in the Raw' (under The Sunny Raw Lifestyle)
- Talk about all-things-kids in our Raw Freedom Kids section
- Browse through RFC's 'Library' of links and resources
- Just 'Hang Out' and talk about whatever...
- Read some great tips to improve your navigation of RFC's site
- Find out how you can customize RFC's look by choosing from 14 different templates while surfing RFC!
- Find out what RFC is about by looking at the FAQs (under 'Quick Start Guide')
- Meet our members and tell us a little about yourself (under 'Introduce Yourself')

- Browse through our ever-growing virtual recipe book, or post your favorites raw recipes
- Set up your homepage, start a blog, or build your network via our awesome new Zoints Local feature.
- Share what it's like 'Living in the Raw' (under The Sunny Raw Lifestyle)
- Talk about all-things-kids in our Raw Freedom Kids section
- Browse through RFC's 'Library' of links and resources
- Just 'Hang Out' and talk about whatever...
- Read some great tips to improve your navigation of RFC's site

- Check out Some Rawesome RFC Threads
And last but not least, I simply can't miss this opportunity to make a few people happy! In the spirit of celebration, I'm giving away 3 recipe ebook packages. In order to enter the contest, you just need to leave a comment telling us how including more raw foods in your diet has had a positive impact on your health and your life in general.
The winners will be announced on the evening of May 20th.
A special thanks to all the wonderful members of our dear "fammunity" - as we've come to affectionately call it. It wouldn't be the warm and inspiring place that it is if it wasn't for you!
Hi - I have to tell you that raw foods is somewhat new to me, but it has really been a godsend. I'm not 100% raw yet, by any means, but I am definitely being more and more able to listen to my body. I really resonate better with raw foods, and that revelation has truly meant a lot. I've had always had a difficult time with fried foods, and with food issues in general, but raw foods definitely nips all of that in the bud. As I write this, I'm sipping on some spinach soup and really enjoying the tastes and textures of what nature intended us to eat. Ironically enough, by "limiting" my diet to only raw foods, I have really opened up my eating habits to experiences free of pain and gastrointestinal issues.
ReplyDeleteI would love to be able to enjoy your three recipe books, and to learn more about how to prepare foods that are not only good for me, but also for my family as well. Thank you for your consideration!
I just love your blog! Thanks for all the great posts.
ReplyDeleteAs far as raw foods go I am looking forward to including more raw eats in my life as I cannot beat the light weight fuel and energy they give me. Raw smoothies are the best way to start your day full of greens and vitamins.
I started incorporating raw foods into my diet because of health reasons. Mainly, Candidiasis. There were other reasons too, to change my vibration. I know that when I eat whole plant foods in their natural state, I am being filled with that energy. So it's a mind, body, soul connection. Since I began eating this way, my cravings for conventional foods has completely diminished. I no longer crave dense pasta dishes or breads like I use too. I no longer feels weighed down and bloated after a meal. My don't get PMS anymore, and my energy is pure. I actually look forward to my big afternoon salad. I've become more creative with food. I actually feel that it's been an enormous lifestyle change, and I have seriously been considering becoming a nutritionist and getting certified as a raw food chef. I know that healing and detoxifing the body is not an overnight process, it is a lifestlye. We are constantly being stimulated and stressed and polluted, and I could not imagine a life without nutrient dense raw foods.
ReplyDeleteIncluding more raw foods into my life has made me feel more healthy, I have less pain in my body. I am currently going thru some detox right now, but once I get thru this hurdle, expect to feel even better!!
ReplyDeleteI <3 Raw Food! I've been consciously incorporating raw food into my diet for about a year and it's been an amazing eye opening experience.
ReplyDeleteMy partner and I both notice how much more energy and conversely how much better sleep we get after a raw dinner.
I've been amazed at the flavor and texture of raw desserts which are so much better than cooked desserts. And eating raw desserts may make me feel full (they're so good that I often have 2 peices and forget that all the fiber will make me feel full!), but I never feel ill afterwards.
Eating raw has also made me more aware of how I feel after eating cooked or processed foods, which in turn makes me crave even more raw foods!
Thanks for your blog and the Raw Freedom Community - I couldn't be eating so much more raw food without all these online resources.
ReplyDeleteRaw has brought me so much energy that I can't go back. This energy has spilled into every area of my life and I'm so much happier now. I love what raw has done for me so far, and look forward to trying new recipes and staying energized! Thank you for all you do!
Oh, well eating raw just saved my life that's all! 2 years ago I was dx with Chronic leukemia. I went raw, my blood improved, I am doing fantastic and plan to prove my oncologist wrong on his prognois of ten years!
ReplyDeleteI want to be 100!
I turn 50 this month, so 50 more please!!!!!
I would be jumping out of my pants if I win this, thanks for the chance!
love deb
Raw foods have helped me in a lot of ways. One of the most obvious was the increased energy. Especially after I eat superfoods and green juices. This is very helpful for me because I have epstein-barr (chronic fatigue).
ReplyDeleteanother way raw foods has helped me is in my digestion. it is never sluggish if i eat raw foods. i lost 30 pounds and feel lighter and happier. my skin also is rid of psoriasis (which I had for 18 years) and glows.
how about that?
love your blog too!
ReplyDeleteI've only recently started experimenting with raw foods...actually it was my focus on going Gluten free that had me realizing I was enjoying most of my food raw by default. I definitely feel more nourished and the flavors of my food are so intense...and the best part...my fibromyalgia pain is decreasing! I love your blog...and truth be told I hope I win :) an e book purchase would be a luxury right now but definitely something I'd use :) Either way...I'll definitely keep reading!
For 8 months I have been 95% raw and have noticed when I get up in the morning my feet do not hurt, my fingers do not hurt and I can fit into my jeans that have been waiting for me for 2 years. Your recipes look so amazing and delicious I think if I don't win I will have to buy!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSince transitioning to a raw foods lifestyle, chronic health conditions that plagued me — migraines, heartburn, edema, fatigue, joint inflammation, morbid obesity — have vanished.
ReplyDeleteFunny thing. When you eat living foods, you begin to feel more ALIVE.
The energy I got with raw foods was nearly a shock! I was burned out and very tired and had to try raw food. From tired 24 hours a day to a body too fit for my brain was a bit too much for me. My body needed more sleep to keep me okey.
ReplyDeleteNow I eat about 50 % raw and that is the best for me right now. But sometimes I need a book to look for new dinnerideas, so I am hoping to win your interesting books.
Hoping for the best!
I have been trying to incorporate the raw foods lifestyle into mine over the last few months, and while I am nowhere near high, or all-raw, I have noticed my skin looks better, I don't crave caffeine as much and I have found a new passion for cooking raw recipes (would LOVE to try yours!!!!). I will absolutely continue to make more steps in this raw lifestyle direction, as small steps add up to big changes, right?!
ReplyDeleteAs a working Mom of two little ones (both VERY picky eaters)...it's a slow but wonderful journey as we incorporate more raw foods into our Lives. After just a couple of weeks of eating mostly raw, I was delighted to feel much more calm and grounded. Other interesting and wonderful benefits occurred, too...my chronically cracked heels became smooth! And my digestive tract became a very "peaceful" ecosystem! ;) These are just some of the benefits I've experienced. P.S. I adore your blog. THANK YOU for the beautiful and inspiring photos...and your truthfulness and candor. It is a highlight of my day when there is a new post. Blessings. Lisa
ReplyDeleteIncorporating loads of raw food in my diet has been such a blessing in my life! After being told I might not be able to have children, I changed my diet in an effort to be really, truly healthy and started incorporating as many raw foods in it as possible. I have so much energy, my skin looks better, I find it EASY to maintain a healthy weight, my hair and nails grow like weeds, I don't have mood swings anymore, and best of all... my husband and I were able to conceive and now have a little baby due Oct. 6!
ReplyDeleteI love teaching everyone I know about the benefits of raw food and I would LOVE these books! Your recipes are amazing!
I first began a vegan diet 8 years ago and quickly transitioned to an all-raw food diet within that year. Although I faced a lot of questions from family and friends, it was worth it--now they all seek advice from me regarding health and nutrition! Once I began to juice a lot, I noticed that my once horrible vision seemed clearer; sure enough, every visit I have had at the eye doctor since changing my diet has brought good news and a lowered prescription! I have to admit that I am not all raw right now, as I am pregnant with our second baby and sick all day and night. I can't wait to get back to it though hopefully soon! My 14-month old daughter eats mostly raw and is a vegan, too! She has a great complexion and bright shiny eyes that I attribute to her diet!
ReplyDeleteRaw food has had the GREATEST positive impact imaginable on my entire life... it has literally changed my whole life, too!
ReplyDeleteBecause I'm only 15, and 100% raw vegan, the raw lifestyle has totally opened unexpected and exciting new doorways which I would have never thought only FOOD could do -- as it turns your concience on, and it becomes wayyyyy beyond food, it's about the planet, the animals, the environment, love, respect, nature..... the list just goes on and on!!!!
Your recipes are amazing, I'm so grateful for the oppotunity to receive your wonderful recipe e-books!
Have an amazing day!
Thank you for offering a HUGE list of resources on your blog!
ReplyDeleteBeing high raw changed not only my life, but the life of my family. It turned me from a tired, fog-brained, depressed individual back to my happy and bright self. It brought strength and energy to my husband and shiny eyes to my kids. We no longer think that aging is a bad thing... we don't plan to age the 'normal', sad way.... I see happy, energetic future as a result of eating living foods. Your blog inspired me so many times... Happy anniversary and thank you!
ReplyDeleteRaw food has been a blessing in my life. Not only has it provided the physical benefits of increased energy, it has provided many healthy desserts for my sweet-tooth cravings. Raw food preparation has taught me to be patient and thankful. With certain dishes taking days to prepare, every morsel is enjoyed. I am thankful for the natural, wholesome, unadulterated state of raw food; it is to be enjoyed with thanksgiving. Friends and co-workers become curious about my meals, which then opens up the door to talk about raw foods and share with them the good news so they too can reap the benefits of added energy and mental clarity. I offer friends and co-workers samples and free raw food classes, or point them to websites with pictures that will whet anyone's appetite for raw food. Raw food has certainly had a positive impact in my life and the lives of those around me.
ReplyDeleteRaw food has turned my life inside out and upside down, all for the better. It's been like a ripple effect, slowly expanding and encouraging change in ways I wouldn't have thought possible. Aside from the positive physical changes, my relationships have improved, I have a new job that I love, and I'll be moving into a new living space next month that better suits my new lifestyle. I have the energy to embrace positive changes. My mom, sister, and best friend have started eating raw and healing, after seeing my progress. I wouldn't have thought that changing my food would make such a huge impact. But I'm grateful for it :)
ReplyDeleteI hadn't really thought about raw food diets seriously until my mother was diagnosed with mercury poisoning about 4 years ago. At that point, I had been a vegetarian for 4 years and a vegan for 2, so I considered myself to be really healthy, although I was still (as I always have been) overweight.
ReplyDeleteWhen my mother's doctors told her that she would have to adopt a strictly raw food diet (and could only eat certain foods within that restriction), and I decided to support her by going raw with her, I was pleased but slightly nervous, because I didn't really know what I was doing. However, we were lucky to have an active raw food guru of sorts in our city, who hosted monthly raw food potlucks, and offered my mom some consultations to get us both on track.
since then, raw food has waffled a bit on my food priority list (although I'm still completely vegan), and as a result, so has my weight. I've mostly struggled with staying creative on a very small budget and with few kitchen gadgets, but I've been back on 90-100% raw food for about 6 months now and it's clear that this is where I need to be. I'm still eating cooked food when out with friends and it's the only option, or when doing cooking competitions with my partner, and I still need a lot of support in being creative with my recipes... but I'm getting there!
After seeing "Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days" I decided to incorporate more raw food into my lifestyle. Everyday I eat a raw breakfast (usually a smoothie) and once a week I eat 100% raw for 1 day. That was 6 weeks ago, and I've never looked back. Eating raw has not only given me more energy and increased concentration, but lately friends have been complimenting me on how great I look!! They all want to know my 'secret'. So I tell them it's not a secret at all, it's about getting re-connected to our food - fresh, whole and living foods that is. Wish I had discovered this years ago. Just discovered your blog today (<3 it) ^_^
ReplyDeleteThanks for the opportunity to win these e-books Carmella! I would say the most positive impact Raw food has had on my diet is that I don't overeat at all. Prior to becoming 100% Raw I would eat mindlessly and not stop until I was stuffed. I am so glad that feeling is gone:) Can't wait to see even more positive results in the months to come. Thanks for all of the info you give:)
ReplyDeleteI began introducing more raw foods into my diet in an effort to figure out what was causing an awful skin condition/ allergic reaction. I was astounded by how wonderful I felt, how incredible my skin looked once i determined my sensitivities, and how easy and delicious it was to incorporate more and more raw food into my daily life.
ReplyDeleteYour blog has been a wonderful resource!
I was diagnosed with celiac diesease a few years ago, but continued to struggle with digestion problems, especially when eating out due to cross-contamination. Going raw solved many of these problems and also (miraculously!) got rid of migraines I have been suffering from since I was about 8 years old (this alone has been a Godsend). I feel full of energy and if I drift from the raw-food diet, I immediately notice I don't feel nearly as good.
ReplyDeleteHow has including more raw foods in my diet had a positive impact on my health and my life in general?
ReplyDeleteWell, it has cured my diabetes and IBS and I have lost 110 pounds!
My energy has skyrocketed as a result of eating all raw for a year and a half. Greens have fueled me through many long workouts. My mood has improved - you've never met a brighter, happier person. My IBS is gone, after 7 years of suffering. I'm thrilled with raw food!
ReplyDeleteI love dehydrating veggies now!-monica
Including more raw foods in my diet has cured my chronic constipation, cleared my skin and helped improve my relationship with food which is slowly helping me get rid of my eating disorder. Now while I can appreciate a green juice or a simple salad more, I also know I can indulge in the tastiest raw dessert and feel not guilty but healthy. And your blog and the raw freedom community has been a great resource for both. Thank you for your wonderful recipes and this giveaway! It will make 3 people VERY happy:)
ReplyDeleteMy BF got started on raw, and he lost 20#'s and more energy than we knew what to do with!! As a natural fruit & veggie lover, this has not been a difficult transition, and consider myself high-raw. I love the energy, perfect sleep, and contentedness I feel eating this way! As a foodie, I am having a blast expirimenting with all the fabulous recipes I can find! YUM!!(still don't like bell peppers! ;P
ReplyDeleteHey Carmella!
ReplyDeleteWhen I first found your page it looked very different I think and actually it kind of depressed me. I was not physically well enough to put out the effort needed and I just could not get the equipment and I was overwhelmed with all the learning I had to do. This has been a long process for me but I think I am finally well enough and ready to jump in and do it full-time for every meal. You have put so much effort into recipe creation and sharing, explanation and just overall making this life-style approachable, easier and enticing that you deserve any and all awards and recognition that you get. And yes, raw does need to be more than broccoli florets and carrot sticks in avocado dip. You have been instrumental and very professional in pulling that all together for so many that I am curious to see what you will do next! I have so much confidence in you - maybe a TV show? You could do it! (Inviting other raw chefs?) But I want to be able to see it here in the U.S. Pleeeeeeze?
Hi Carmella,
ReplyDeleteWow, a contest. What a great idea! Please sign me up, here’s my entry:
All my life I’ve suffered from allergies. When the trees bloom, my body is so overwhelmed that it breaks out with all the symptoms that allergy pills try to suppress. A few years ago, I found Reliv Classic (A soy vitamin mineral supplement) that worked like a miracle. After consuming that for a couple weeks I found relief.
But it wasn’t lasting. And, there was an uncomfortable side effect; I always felt dehydrated. But that wasn’t too bad and I could feel the energy change in my body. I was no longer depressed or dead tired. Yet, over time, the new found positive effects wore off.
About a year ago I started green smoothies and committed to having one every day. I read Green for Life (along with a number of other books) and figured I’d just see how it works … in the longer run.
I also committed to being raw in the morning – when I controlled what I eat and letting life work its way out – when I was given food to eat. Thus, I am predominately raw until dinner. In the process of looking for recipes to keep me excited about what I’m eating for lunch, I found The Sunny Raw Kitchen!
Eating just half raw has given me relief from allergies this season. Green smoothies are magical and you’re raw food deserts are almost musical. Everyone that tries a bite always says “mmmm…”
What you’ve posted has been amazing. What a wealth of selfless sharing. My first and still one of my favorites is your blueberry bliss chesscake.
Out of all the raw blog sites on the web, yours is currently the only one on my blogroll. (See blog.genuineobservations.com) I’ll definitely, with confidence, send people your way.
Thanks for letting me post.