I was telling you a few posts back that I was expecting the visit of my dear online friend and raw chef, Heathy/Fairygirl. As some of you may know, I've been so fascinated by Heathy's culinary gifts that I even did a post on her back in February, featuring some of her amazing creations.
Her visit all came together very unexpectedly, and to say I was thrilled that we'd finally get to meet and uncook together would be a gross understatement. In fact, I could hardly sleep at the prospect!
Change of Plans
They say that if you want to make God laugh, make plans. Well, things indeed took an unforeseen turn on the morning Heathy was scheduled to arrive at the local airport. We were almost out the door in order to pick her up when the phone rang. Although we had never spoken before, I just knew that the voice at the other end could only be Heathy's. She told me she was stranded in Calgary due to fog. (Actually, I later found out that the Castlegar airport has been nicknamed 'Cancelgar' due to the high rate of flight cancellations in winter time. he he)
Remember my Calgary Rawkin Revel earlier this year? I spent a few days with Don's sister Sandy and her family, uncooking up a storm. Anyhoo, we managed to get hold of her, and she was more than happy to have Heathy stay with them while waiting for the next flight. Sandy and Heathy had arranged to meet in Australia last spring, but it fell through, so this couldn't have been more perfect!
The Raw Divas Meet
Thankfully, we woke up to a glorious sunny morning the next day, so off we went to the airport to pick up our gal.
It kinda felt like we were going on a sort of blind date. hehe I knew that Heathy was a little nervous, wondering if we'd get along as well in 'real life' as we do in the virtual world, but we both knew that our deep sense of kinship and common passion for raw food prep was as real as it gets.
Her visit all came together very unexpectedly, and to say I was thrilled that we'd finally get to meet and uncook together would be a gross understatement. In fact, I could hardly sleep at the prospect!
Change of Plans
They say that if you want to make God laugh, make plans. Well, things indeed took an unforeseen turn on the morning Heathy was scheduled to arrive at the local airport. We were almost out the door in order to pick her up when the phone rang. Although we had never spoken before, I just knew that the voice at the other end could only be Heathy's. She told me she was stranded in Calgary due to fog. (Actually, I later found out that the Castlegar airport has been nicknamed 'Cancelgar' due to the high rate of flight cancellations in winter time. he he)
Remember my Calgary Rawkin Revel earlier this year? I spent a few days with Don's sister Sandy and her family, uncooking up a storm. Anyhoo, we managed to get hold of her, and she was more than happy to have Heathy stay with them while waiting for the next flight. Sandy and Heathy had arranged to meet in Australia last spring, but it fell through, so this couldn't have been more perfect!
The Raw Divas Meet
Thankfully, we woke up to a glorious sunny morning the next day, so off we went to the airport to pick up our gal.
It kinda felt like we were going on a sort of blind date. hehe I knew that Heathy was a little nervous, wondering if we'd get along as well in 'real life' as we do in the virtual world, but we both knew that our deep sense of kinship and common passion for raw food prep was as real as it gets.
The final moments before Heathy/Fairygirl and I got to meet 'in physical form'... As you can see, we made sure she couldn't miss us! ;-)

Here we are... The Raw Divas united at last! It took a while to sink in that this was really happening.

As you can imagine, I had prepared a raw feast to celebrate Heathy's arrival. On the menu was Cream of Tomato Soup, a mixed green salad with my House Dressing, and the Lasagna Magnifica (all three from my 'Best of the Sunny Raw Kitchen' ebook.) I actually had the jitters a bit as I was working on dinner. "What if the lasagna didn't turn out right?" Never mind the fact that I'd made it countless times before, and it has always been phenomenal. Ahhhhh, the mind!
Lasagna Magnifica

I was particularly intimidated to prepare dessert for the one I've nicknamed 'The Ultimate Raw Dessert Queen'. She'd told me she wanted to try my Banana Chocolate Cream Cake so I thought I'd make a variation of it.
Here's Heathy putting the finishing touches to my Strawberry Chocolate Cream Cake.
Boy, does she know how to make something look good or what!?!

We were all exhausted from this eventful day, and hit the sack early so as to be fresh and ready to begin our uncook-a-thon in earnest the next morning.
Kitchen Here We Come! - Day 2
Although we could hardly wait to get going in the kitchen, we started off with some exercises. (What discipline, eh!?! lol) I showed Heathy the Tibetan Rites - a series of movements somewhat similar to yoga. In the meantime, Don, the ever-devoted 'Juiceman', had prepared our usual morning brew: apple, carrot, beet, celery and ginger juice.

Yep, our juicer isn't the quietest! hehe

Heathy so loved its color she just had to take a pic!

As we slowly sipped our ambrosia, we came up with a plan of attack. Man oh man! So much to make and so little time! We decided that we'd make the most of our time together by focusing mainly on our own creations. Heathy is in the final phase of working on her raw dessert ebook and still had a few recipes to test. We've also been talking about collaborating on a joint recipe book for some time, so this was the perfect opportunity.
At last, we were ready to get going. Woo-Hoo!
The Raw Divas doing the happy dance at the sound of the Vitamix...At last, we were ready to get going. Woo-Hoo!
Ahhhh! What sweet music to our ears! lol
If you've been hanging around The Sunny Raw Kitchen a while, then you've probably heard about our neighbors and friends, John and Livina. Although they don't follow a raw diet per se, they're always open and game to try some of the stuff we make, especially the desserts. (Gee, I wonder why that is!?! lol)
Anyhoo, as Livina was away and knowing that John isn't too big on food prep, we invited him to join us for the evening meals. Lucky him! ;-)

On the menu that evening was Cream of Zucchini Soup, Mixed green salad with my House Dressing, Spinach & Mushroom Quiches, and Cheezy Tortellinis in Rose Sauce.
The idea for the quiches came to me a while back when I had more mushrooms in the fridge than I knew what do do with. Actually, I had mentioned the fact to Fairygirl during one of our chats, and she suggested I make mushroom quiches. I've already posted my first attempt here, but I also wanted to play some more along the lines of a savory cheesecake. What better occasion to do so than with Fairygirl being in the kitchen with me?
Spinach & Mushroom Quiches
As soon as I found out about Heathy's visit, I started scouring my brain in search of dishes we could try turning into raw. I remembered the tortellinis I used to serve in my SAD days with a simple sauce consisting of tomato paste and fresh cream. We came up with the following:
Cheezy Tortellinis in Rose Sauce

And of course, the best part was dessert! I gave Heathy a hand in making her Chocolate Orange Cream Cake. OMG!!! I can't even begin to tell you how yummy this was! After drooling over so many of her scrumptious creations online, it was hard to believe I could finally partake in the bliss. Woo-Hoo! (Ooops, sorry guys! Don't mean to be rubbing it in! lol)
In fact, I'm munching on the last of it as I'm typing this... Mmmmmmmm

On that sweet note, I'll stop here for now and catch a breather. We got lots more decadent looking pics and even some video footage coming up, so stay tuned for the rest of our Raw Diva Extravaganza!
Photos by Carmella and Heathy
Unless otherwise stated, the raw dishes mentioned in this series will be available in upcoming ebooks.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you guys had absolutely illegal amounts of FUN!!!
Well done! Can't wait for the video footage;)