In one of my very first posts, I was telling you about how, once in a while, you stumble upon someone who's taste buds are perfectly aligned with yours. This is the case for me with Anna Tipps, owner of, which happens to be one of my absolute favorite raw sites too.
I have yet to make one of her recipes that does not hit the mark for me BIG TIME. Just try her Chocolate or Lemon Chewies, her Creamy Avo Curry Soup, her Mock "Chicken" Salad or her Yummy Apple Cobbler and you'll see what I mean! But besides being an amazing raw chef, a raw and living food instructor and a mama of four, Anna (aka Maraw) is also the editor and publisher of the beautiful new raw magazine, Purely Delicious.
With the summer issue of Purely Delicious coming out later this month, I went snooping behind the scenes to ask Anna a few questions. She generously took some time to answer them in spite of her busy schedule.
Carmella: Anna, can you tell me a little about your new publication, Purely Delicious?
Anna: Purely Delicious is a celebration of the beauty, tastes, and textures of raw and living foods. We include information on organic gardening, family health issues, nutritional tidbits, book and restaurant reviews, and recipes – lots of purely delicious, purely raw recipes! This coming issue (June), even features an article on raw food nutrition for companion animals!
C: How did a magazine like PD get started?
A: Out of my own frustration, really. I have been enjoying a raw food diet for a few years now – creating recipes and sharing them through my web site,, and other places on the web, and even in local “cooking” classes I teach. Over the past year or so, I developed an interest in writing a recipe book. After producing the 2007 raw food calendar, it seemed like a good idea – there was a lot of excitement about that calendar. So my next task was to try and focus my mind on a book – but I was having trouble settling on a specific direction for the book. A quarterly magazine allows for a great deal of flexibility and mobility. It can grow and change with each issue. My goals and objectives are still the same though – developing a mainstream, family-friendly, magazine that provides guidance and information on how to GO RAW!
C: How often does PD come out?
A: Purely Delicious prints quarterly: in March, June, September and December. We are also working on a raw food restaurant guide for later in the year, as well as the 2008 wall calendar! Busy, busy, busy!
C: Just one more question then, as I know you have lots on your plate (pun intended!) Where can one get a copy of PD?
A: The magazine is distributed all over the U.S. (about 40 states now), and we also have subscribers in 8 other countries. Most of the U.S. distribution points are raw food restaurants and health food stores.
Wow! With all of these balls in the air, it's a wonder how Anna manages to get any sleep! lol Oh, and did I mention she's also working on a new site, Radiant H.O.U.N.D. , about dogs gone raw?
Although Purely Delicious can be found in many healthy lifestyle businesses across the U.S., individual subscriptions may also be purchased for $25 per year and delivered right to your mailbox.
Interested in getting your own copy? Just click on the link below!
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