Sweet Home
After leaving Big Lagoon's campground near Pensacola, we decided to stick to minor roads awhile and head for the west shore of the peninsula. I'm so glad we did as it gave us a little taste of Alabama, something we wouldn't have had if we'd been whizzing by on the big highway. We were amazed at the dramatic change in landscape with that of Florida. On the stretch that we drove through we saw lots of farmland, fields with horses grazing, pecan trees and even some satsuma orange bushes (they're sorta like mandarins) which we were told only grow in this particular county. There were the odd palm trees here and there, but these were definitely not as predominant as in its neighboring state.

Shortly after crossing into Mississippi, we stopped at Shepard State Park in Gautier. It's a fairly small campground but offers some nice private sites hidden among lots of trees. We actually discovered that a woman and her four kids has made it their permanent home, living in a large tent rigged up with tarps. A testimonial to the growing economic crisis.
In spite of the fact that train tracks run right through the park (there always seems to be somethin'; guess there's no such thing as an ideal campground, eh?), we decided to stay for two or three days to give a chance for the rain clouds to pass over. Before the rain began, we managed to explore a few (although a bit wet) trails by the marshes.
Our Chocolate Feat
We’d been hauling a chocolate mixture from the Sweet Gratitude book ever since leaving Quebec and I was getting tired of shifting the small Tupperware from one part of the cooler to another. Plus, it was New Year's Eve and called for a special treat! And so Don and I did the near impossible: we made chocolate truffles while camping! lol
We had to do this delicate operation in two steps. I started by whipping up the Brazil Nut Cream filling (also from Sweet Gratitude) one afternoon. Although I find that they're usually pretty good when it comes to measurements, I had to add a LOT more sweetener than the recipe called for so as to counterbalance the bitterness of the cacao. I then placed the mixture in the cooler (right on top of the ice) in order for it to firm up. The next day, we completed the truffles assembly inside the tent as it was cool and rainy out. It actually went pretty smooth considering our make shift kitchen. ;-) The furries were staying close by, watching my every move with great interest. Kylo LOVES that the 'table/counter' is at his level! hehe

Once that was done, I warmed up the choccie mixture bain-marie style; one bowl over a second one filled with hot water. With this method you have to be careful to stir constantly so as not to cook the chocolate. If I'd been at home, I would have normally removed the bowl containing the liquefied chocolate from over the hot water for the same reason, but since it was still not very warm inside the tent, I left it on to avoid the mixture seizing up too quickly.
Next, I dipped the Brazil Nut 'blobs' into it.

I then did my best to remove the excess choccie (not always successfully) and delicately transferred the truffles onto a flat surface.

Lastly, I sprinkled some Brazil nuts I'd ground up in the Magic Bullet on each one.

Tada! The perfect treat to begin the new year on a sweet and yummy note!

These Brazil Nut Ganache Truffles were sooooooo good! I highly recommend trying them, especially if you have the luxury of working in a 'real' kitchie. ;-)

All the moving around and temporary homes have definitely been harder on Puss than Kylo who's always up for an adventure. Being her feline self, she’s super sensitive to the surrounding energies and responds accordingly. She has her days when she’s staying away from us, too caught in her freaked out bubble, but thankfully these are few. I'd say that for the most part she's doing amazingly well, given the circumstances, especially since she doesn't get to go out much, unlike Kyky.
The time spent at Jaimee and Travis’s in Tallahassee was particularly good for Puss, as she finally had a chance to roam around and do some exploring after being confined to the tent and the car for a few weeks. We could feel her more relaxed than she’s been in a while.

Then something seemingly magical happened at Shepard State Park; she started behaving just like her ‘old self’ again! She suddenly began to do the things that she'd normally do and that I'd almost come to take for granted: rushing over as soon as I call her name, sleeping right against my body at night, laying on my chest when she notices that I’m (finally!) awake, and jumping on my lap whenever I’m sitting. What a radical shift! I'm still not totally sure what happened there, but she's been 'back' ever since. Yay!
Sharing a piece of melon with me.

Give me a paw with my blogging. ;-)

Give me a paw with my blogging. ;-)

The last couple of times that we've moved, she hasn't whispered a miaow the entire way. Whereas I used to let her free to roam around the car (although I do put on her little leash in case she somehow escapes at a stop), I've begun to put her in her little pet taxi. At first, it was only to make things simpler when we had only a short way to go. Once on location, we place her on the picnic table while we set up the tent. We've been noticing though that she actually really likes it! It seems to provide her a protected space in which she feels comfortable while being able to be outside with us. It's soooooo nice to see that she has somehow found her sea paws in our new gypsie lifestyle. Yippee!

He did have a bit of a traumatic experience while we stayed at Shepard Park though. On New Year's Eve we could hear lots of firecrackers in the distance. Unlike Puss, who soundly slept through it all, Kylo was so terrified by them (he could detect many more frequencies than we could!) that he huddled in a corner of the tent, breathing hard and shaking. I cuddled against his quivering body, stroking and massaging him while singing lullabies. Poor sweetie! We’d never seen him so scared! We don’t really do fireworks on New Year’s Eve in Canada (or perhaps we lived too far in the boonies to hear them! lol) so it was all so very new for him. The next day though, all traces of the night's trauma were forgotten.
There he is, sleeping on the job, no doubt catching up on the precious zzz time he missed the previous night. ;-)

We continued our journey westward along the 90 in order to see a little of the Gulf coast, then hopped back on highway 10 past Biloxi, since the going was slow and we don't like setting up the tent in the dark.
We stopped at Fontainebleau State Park, about 30 miles north west of New Orleans. The 2,800 acres on which the park is situated were originally part of a plantation and sugar mill, the remnants of which can still be seen on the park grounds. The campground itself was really crowded and had neither much space between sites nor much tree coverage. Ouch. Definitely far from the rustic parks we prefer, but it was getting late and we felt that we didn't have much of a choice at that point. We spent the first night tucked between RVs with a fair bit of background noise, including two campers having a music war; soft rock radio vs country! lol

I love LOVE tree tunnels!

We saw massive live oaks, some had branches that reached all the way to the ground!

The trail took us to a boardwalk among the wetlands of Lake Pontchartrain; a major hanging spot for birds. We could see what must have been hundreds of moorhens calmly floating by and sparrows zooming around. If you look closely you can actually notice that a couple of them have sneaked into the following pic.

Lake Pontchartrain is absolutely ginormous yet they've managed to build a causeway that takes you all the way to the other shore. No small feat!
A little sandy beach on the lakeshore.

On the morning that we were getting ready to move on I met a really nice woman named Angel in the shower building. As soon as I walked in, she greeted me and we started talking. "Weren't you staying at Big Lagoon Park and have a large dog?" she asked. Yep, that's us! As it turns out, she and her husband were camped right behind us at Big Lagoon and were now again just a few sites away. During our chat, I found out that they live in San Antonio and that they've camped at many of the Texas State Parks. When I told Angel we were headed in that direction, she went to fetch a bunch of Texas information she had in her RV and gave them to me, along with helpful tips and pointers. How kind! She also strongly recommended that we stay at Sam Houston Jones State Park, which we did.

On our way out of Louisiana, we stopped to spend a few days at Sam Houston Jones State Park located north of Lake Charles. Tree-filled lagoons and a mixed pine and hardwood forest combine to create a unique natural environment. It was easy to see why Angel recommended it to us. We were assigned a camping site right beside a pond that we soon found out had several resident ducks and a couple of cranes.
As we were setting up, one of the ducks must have decided it was time to move on to a different location as they all lined up in the water (yep, just like in the saying! lol) and headed towards the shore. They then started crossing the road as if they owned it. One truck had a hard time getting them to move so he could pass as they didn't seem to impressed with his horn. lol

On the evening that we arrived at Sam Houston Park, we were blessed by the stunning sight of the sun setting on one of the park's lagoons.

But weather aside we really got to walk to our heart's content while at Sam Houston Park. We went for two long hikes; one day we walked the Cypress Tupelo Trail followed by the Riverwalk Trail, and the Old Stagecoach Trail and Longleaf Pine Trail the next. It felt so good to have this time to reconnect with Nature in such a way, especially since we were getting ready to spend a few days in a big city.
Along the banks of the Calcasieu River we saw strange little tree stumps (roots maybe?) sticking in the air.

If you look real real closely, you'll see a white heron perched up in one of the branches.

More duckies

As smoothly as this US journey has been going, it is also providing us with plenty of opportunities to do what we like to call 'The Work'. It's constantly challenging us to go beyond so many of our boundaries and push the envelope of our comfort zones. If you've been hanging my blog a while, then perhaps you already know that for years Don and I lived a mostly contemplative lifestyle on a secluded mountaintop in British Columbia. We hadn't chosen to 'go internal' and to not interact with people much, it's just what happened. Likewise, the movement outward began just a little over 3 years ago without any conscious decision of our own. (Gosh, has it really been that long!?!) I started this blog shortly afterward, then a few months later our forum, Raw Freedom Community was born. From then on our involvement with the outside world has gradually increased. Anyhoo, all this to say that being surrounded by people still feels very new and as such, circumstances considered almost 'normal' to some probably hit us harder than they do most people.
One example is in regards to sound/noise in general. We've discovered that no matter how remote in Nature you may be, it's virtually impossible to completely get away from the sound of highway traffic these days. While it's increasingly becoming an issue in Canada, it seems to be even more predominant here in the US. We've encountered prevalent 'noise pollution' in many forms during our stay at several state parks; the most common being cars and trains in the distance, but also airplane traffic like at Hanna Park and Big Lagoon where naval air bases were nearby.
The strangest juxtaposition of natural beauty and noise pollution was without question at Sam Houston Park. We had our first dose of it when we were setting up the tent as there was a big dozer working just across from our site. They had recently demolished a building (thank goodness we weren't around for that!) and were now picking up the debris. As they had stopped soon after our arrival I didn't take much notice of it, too busy getting everything sorted out. But the next morning, when we woke up at dawn to the monstrous sounds of dangerously close engines and squeaking metal, I turned over to Don and declared: "Let's get out of here; this is NOT gonna work!" We found out that they were actually just about finished so we decided to hang in there.
During the first night we kept hearing a loud droning sound which we assumed was a nearby RV's generator. Except that it continued even after all of our neighbors had flown the campground (likely for the same reason we were gonna leave). Eventually we were able to identify the culprit: some sort of oil refinery by Lake Charles. The second night was worse; it no longer sounded like a generator but more like the longest train in the history of human kind! lol It just went on and on for hours! I mean, it was baaaaaaaaad! It was the kind of situation that was so horrid you just had to shrug and laugh about it.
As with everything that Life presents to us, we are taking this noise challenge as a meditation. We trust that whatever happens from moment to moment is perfectly designed for our growth - as though Life is pointing great big arrows to those areas that still need some work. Seen from that angle, any resistance to 'What Is' - besides being a complete waste of energy - is like not showing up at school. Since the beginning of our travels, with 'so many balls in the air' as we like to call it, I haven't always been able to meet Life's challenges calmly and objectively. But kinda like Puss, I guess maybe I'm doing pretty darn good under the circumstances. ;-)
'Nuff said for now! How about we take a breather before I get started with our Texas adventures? Hee hah!
Oh, and remember to check out our updated Sunny Raw Kitchen Tour Itinerary here!
I wonder if you were hearing oil pumps? you are certainly heading in the direction where you will start seeing, hearing, and (eww) smelling them...
ReplyDeleteCarmella, though we did not get to meet here in Wilmington NC, I hope the rest of your adventure is as wonderful as the first bit that I have thoroughly enjoyed following on your blog....the truffles are in my fridge for assembly tomarrow....happy travels!
ReplyDeleteThank you for keeping us posted on your adventurous travels. The noise pollution is really awful. We once camped on Salt Spring Island and learned that the ferry goes right by the camp ground. It was not what I'd call a getaway. I hope you are now getting a much better sleep! Warm wishes, Veronika
ReplyDeletepoor kyky! glad to hear puss is faring well. we now have my cat living with us! she stayed with my dad when i moved out years ago, but now that she's in her twilight years she needs some extra tlc. i just love having her around.
ReplyDeletelooks as though you and don picked out a great camera! the pics are beautiful!
say hi to don and the furries for me!
What fun adventures! Thanks for the updates on your critters. I am sure they are having a blast.
ReplyDeleteI can relate to what you said about going inward. I feel myself doing that and it can be very healing for a time. It is a testament to how strong you are that you are doing so much traveling and interacting with others.
I hate noise pollution too. I do find earplugs to be quite helpful.
Great post. Just a couple comments. I live in Baton Rouge, LA. (Sorry I missed you this go around.) There are satsuma trees growing in lots of places in Baton Rouge. When I was growing up, we had two in the back yard. This year was a bumper year! Many folks right in my neighborhood have large meyer lemon trees also, and my best friend has a kumquat tree. Just had to let you know that satsumas don't exist in just one county in Alabama! The trees you saw in Lake Charles are bald cypress trees. Very common in swampy areas here. They can be seen throughout the great Atchafalya swamp (the swamp is more than a million acres). Google C.C. Lockwood, and learn about and view the phenomenal photos he has taken in the swamp for more than 30 years. We have some cypress trees growing in a small protected swamp area right in the middle of Baton Rouge. Many of the cypress trees around New Orleans were killed by salt water intrusion after hurricane Katrina. You can still see their skeletons driving into New Orleans from Baton Rouge on interstate 10. Also, look for the book, Atchafalaya Houseboat, by Gwen Roland & C.C. Lockwood. Tells about her years living in the swamp with her former partner. I think you and Don would really resonate with this book.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your observations surrounding noise pollution. It's not often I hear people speaking of experiences like that as a teaching, instead of just complaining bitterly. Very inspiring. Thanks!
Its funny, i'm not a 'blog reader' per se but i find myself enjoying yours! Reading about you journey through the US and adventures along the way. Its honest and sweet :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite raw foodists! The photos are interesting, beautiful and enriching as are you both.
ReplyDeleteHi Sunny!
ReplyDeleteI've just recently found your blog and love it! What fun you two are having!
I wanted to let you know that the trees that were growing in the water are called Cypress, and the parts coming up out of the water alongside of them are called Cypress "knees". They are part of the tree's root system.
Sorry, I couldn't resist as I am originally from a town called Natchez, MS. I remember boating with my Dad as a child through the swamps in Louisiana.
Take care!
I enjoyed your insights about the sound issues, thanks for sharing. Here is a bit of mine in turn:
ReplyDeleteI used to have a refridgerator whose noise drove me mad until I began to see it as the singing of the machine, and a sort of invitation to commune. Machines are sacred "beings" too, and I made it a meditation to acknowledge and accept their right to living their highest purpose alongside me. I took the noise as an opportunity to 'tone' along with the fridge sound and it became my signal for sound meditation whenever the fridge kicked on. Hey, it helped : )
I like to think it makes a shift towards the harmonization of man, nature and machines to include them this way. (I also lived near a highway once and the cars noise came in 'waves' of traffic - so much so that I could realistically pretend I lived near the sea. Now I live in Hawaii : ) haha...
Thanks y'all for dropping by and leaving your sweet comments and insights. Oh-oh, methinks our being south is starting to rub on me! hehe
ReplyDeleteAll the pictures are quiet interesting and fascinating....even I wish to be a part of this marvelous journey exploring the actual beauty of nature.
ReplyDeleteArmy Ration Packs