
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Recipe of the Week: Cheddar Cheeze Spread or Dip

OK, I'm finally back! Sorry for going MIA on you like this, but I haven't experienced such an intense, event-full month in a long time. Ahhhhh... When the 'Virtual Life' can't keep up with the 'Real One', eh? I've got quite the backlog in terms of photos to upload and recipes to share. I'm also hoping to write about Heathy's visit in the coming days, but in the meantime, you can check out the first part of her account here.

Hard to believe that almost 2 weeks have gone by since dropping her off at the airport. Wowsers! It's been go-go-go ever since. As we were scheduled to move only a few days later, we picked up cardboard boxes on the way back, then got straight to work. Heaps of fun... You know the drill: packing, cleaning, moving... then unpacking and settling in at the other end. Phfew! Hopefully we'll be staying here for more than just a few months, as I'm already getting fed up with hauling my stuff around. (Gawd, do we ever accumulate!)

Here's the new dig that we're sharing with Mosaica and Pontifex whom we've met through Raw Freedom Community.
Pretty funky, as you can see...

The first room that we organized was the kitchen. (Now, why would that be I wonder?) After the teeny one at Ashinah, this kitchen is paradise! Lots of light and counter space, plenty of room for all our raw food appliances and even a dish washer - a luxury I've never had in my 17 years of cooking/uncooking!

As is usually the case under such time and energy demanding situations, we've been keeping the meals simple: mostly soups, salads, crackers and spreads (although we did enjoy Joz's Fajitas one day since they're super easy to assemble.) With all that hard work, we deserved something special. (Me like treats!) I decided to start the dessert making with a bang with Heathy's absolutely decadent Chocolate Orange Cake, which I'd been dreaming of ever since her first visit last fall. You see, one of the good things about being the Raw Goddess' editor is that I get a sneak preview of her recipe creations before everybody else. Lucky me! ;-)

Come to think of it, this recipe alone would make her upcoming 'Just Desserts' ebook worth purchasing. (And I kid you not!)

I think I'll be making this one at least once a week for a while;
it's yummy beyond words!

While Heathy was here, we came upon the 'Vibrant Living’ book by James Levin & Natalie Cederquist on the shelves of Ashinah's community kitchen. It was published some 15 years ago (!!!) and has lots of awesome looking recipes, not to mention amazingly beautiful and creative artwork. Anyhoo, Heathy pointed out how their Cheezy Cashew Sauce is strikingly similar to the Rich Cheddar Sauce we have all come to love, and ought to be the recipe that inspired it. So out of curiosity, I started out with the Vibrant Living recipe, then added the bell pepper and tahini a la Cheddar Sauce. The result was slightly different due to the amount of seasonings and the addition of the oats as thickener, but every bit as delicious. A new favorite in our house!

Try it and see what you think!

Cheddar Cheeze Spread or Dip
Adapted from 'Vibrant Living’ by James Levin & Natalie Cederquist

1 cup red or orange bell pepper
3/4 cup cashews and/or almonds, soaked
1/2 cup water
2 - 3 tbs rolled oats
2 tbs nutritional yeast
2 tbs lemon juice
2 tbs tahini
2 tsp onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp salt

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Add more water or oats until desired consistency is reached.

Enjoy on your favorite crackers/breads, zucchini pasta, pizza or with veggie sticks!


  1. I am drooling over that Orange Chocolate Cake photo!
    When can we expect 'Just Desserts' to be available?

  2. Ditto on the drool factor... And the cheeze looks scrummy, too! Hope you are happily settling into your new home - looks like a lovely spot.

    :) Diana

  3. I just have to say that your food just amazes me! I was introduced to raw food just 6 months ago, and I have still not ventured into anything amazing. I stick to green smoothies, sprouted granola, almond milk (and shakes), and salads. Yeah I've tried a few entrees, spreads and desserts/cookies too, but only a few. Your food looks just amazing. If only I had the time that it takes to make everything that you post. Someday! I look forward to your postings whenever you are able to post them! They are always inspiring! Thank you so very much!!

  4. Yum! That cake looks divine! And that cheezey spread has my mouth watering! Great post! Good luck with the new home!

  5. That Chocolate Orange Cake is beyond words! Yummmo!

  6. Carmi's back, yeah!!! The Chocolate and Orange cake looks incredible and the cheese spread/dip sounds yum too.

    Glad you are moved and all settled in!

  7. Carmella,
    Hope you are settling well into your new space. Looks and sounds lovely! I would so love to live with folks who enjoyed raw as much as I do - and helped in the kitchen!!!

    So, I'm responsible for bringing raw and non raw vegan treats to a wedding this weekend. I am making your famous strawberry shortcake, a pumpkin/pecan pie with filling from your pumpkin muffin recipe.

    I was wondering if you have ever tried baking some of thse raw creations. My dehydrator is not big enough and My oven only goes to about 150-200.. not sure on exact lowest temp.. do u know what would happen if I made muffins or pie on low temp. I have a sense it may dry out too much.

    Thanks again for such a fabulous site and for all of your work!


  8. Several of us made the Cheddar Cheeze Spread/Dip at our friend Sue's home on Saturday. It was delicious and the color, taste, and texture were so very similar to a cheese spread. We all agreed on this and highly recommend the recipe.
