
Monday, September 1, 2008

Recipe of the Week: Tomato Dressing

At long last, tomato season is finally here! Yay! We loaded up with 20 lbs of organic canning tomatoes at the local fruit stand during the week and it's been tomato-mania ever since...

After my first experience of dehydrating toms last year, I was all gung-ho to give it another try and fill up the D. As the tomatoes were gigantic, I decided to slice them in 1/4 " slices and it worked out really well. I also made Salsa Wraps which are always so great to have handy. (If you've tried these fajitas before, then you know what I mean!) And of course, we've been enjoying lots of toms in salads and soups (see this recipe... oh and this one too!) Not to mention that it was the perfect opportunity to make what has become one of my favorite dressings. It's my good friend Ingrid's creation who actually somehow picked up on the vibes as she sent me a chat while I was working on this post. ;-)

Tomato Dressing
Posted by Ingrid on Natural Living Cuisine

PREP: 5 Minutes TOTAL: 5 Minutes

Try this fresh slightly spicy tomato dressing on your next salad or as a dip with fresh vegetables. The garlic and pepper give it its spicy flavor.

2 medium tomatoes, chopped
¼ cup cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon celtic salt
1 teaspoon fresh cracked mixed pepper
1 teaspoon Hungarian paprika

Put all ingredients into the blender, except olive oil, and blend until mixed. While blender is still running slowly pour in olive oil, blend until mixture is creamy. Store in salad dressing bottle and refrigerate. Keeps about 5 days. Shake well before serving.

Makes about 1 1/2 cups

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Substitute paprika with the fiery flavor cayenne or combine both for a spicier dressing.

Carmella's Note: I usually use about half the amount of pepper and it has plenty of a bite for me. (But then again, I'm not such a fan of really spicy food. ;-) )


  1. Sounds really yummy, but I would have to omit the garlic - it is the one raw disappointment in my life. It kills my stomach when it goes down raw. Even in guac. A shame, but true. Thanks for sharing.

  2. It seems we do this in-sync connection thing all the time! I’m not surprised. LOL!!!

    I am thrilled you are enjoying my tomato dressing creation and honored that you choose to highlight it as one of your recipes-of-the-week. That just blows me away!

    Thank you for sharing the other delicious recipe. I will try each of them. I especially have my eye on the Fajitas and your recipe for cream of tomato soup.

  3. I tried this dressing as a dip for veggies and crackers, the kids and adults loved it! I will make it often over the next few days, I have soooo many gorgeous tomatoes in the garden, lucky me. It's the first time I "dare" post a comment on your blog, but I've been reading you and trying your recipes for a long time now. I love the energy of your blog... and of your food :)
    Raw from Québec :)

  4. I just found your blog a few days ago and have read the entire blog since the beginning... and copying all these incredible recipes!
    I've been a vegetarian since 1979, then vegan since 1997.
    I just completed a 14 day Detox through Restoration Natural Health Clinic in Santa Barbara, CA including Hydrotherapy Colonics . And I felt I just don't want to put anymore garbage in my system. Hence Goggling for Raw Recipes, I found your site.
    Thank you so much for all of your inspiration and talent. I have learned so much, including how to make a Strawbale house! First I had heard of them.
    Can't wait to try all of these delicious recipes!!
    Thanks for sharing your hard work

  5. That salad dressing looks delicious. I hope to make some soon with the tomatoes my mom brought me from her garden. Thanks :-)

  6. I love Ingrid! And this dressing looks yummy! I love all things spicy so this might be good for a taco salad. :)

  7. Thanks so much for the recipe. I just made this and it was just what I was looking for - a tomato-based dressing with some zing to it. I made a few alterations, like adding mint because I thought it was basil, but even despite that, it was still delicious!

  8. I do not have apple cider vinegar. Do you think I could use regular white vinegar in its place or should I go buy the apple cider one?

    1. Hum, white vinegar has quite a different, stronger flavor. I'd recommend using the ACV for optimum results. ;-)

  9. Just made this and it is seriously good. Thanks for sharing
