
Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Some news 10 years after my infamous liver flush and a FB Live Reunion

Hey guys! 

It's been a very, very long time indeed! I'm now writing to you from my still sunny but no longer so raw kitchen. ;-)

Life and the way it unfolds never cease to amaze me! Today, as I was at my sink doing dishes, I felt a blog post suddenly come through, much in the same manner as it used to in the ol' days. Words pouring in, demanding to be put down on the screen... It's only later that I realized that it will be 10 years next month that I did the infamous liver gallbladder cleanse that was to abruptly bring to an end my raw adventures and propel me onto a major healing journey. 

This month also marks the beginning of my Sunny Raw Kitchen Tour 13 years ago, which took me across the entire US and gave me the opportunity to stay in more than 25 different homes, spreading my passion for raw and living foods. What an absolutely mind-blowing, beautiful and life-transforming experience that was!

Gosh, so much has happened since the last time I posted here. It's even hard to know where to begin! I have since parted ways with Don, moved back across Canada to Quebec where I'm originally from, found so many new ways to channel my creativity including aromatherapy, perfumery, jewelry, sculpture and fluid art, have blossomed in several directions, and even discovered that I have gifts as an energy healer and shaman. Phfew! What an exciting new chapter this has been and it continues to unfold and bring unexpected twists and turns.

A few of you have reached out to me over the years (even just recently, almost a decade later!) wondering how I've been and whether I'm now ok. I am so deeply touched that after all of this time you continue to care and think about me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 

I had the idea to hold a Facebook Live in order for us to get together and connect again. It does make me wonder how different this Sunny Raw Kitchen blog adventure would have been if live video meetings had been available back then! You just gotta love how magical technology can be! This will be an opportunity for me to tell you more about the highlights of what's happened since I stopped writing here and also for you to ask me any questions you may have. 

The FB Live will take place on my Sunny Raw Kitchen page on Sunday Oct 16th at 2 pm EST (11 am PST).

Very much looking forward to spending this time with those of you who will be able to make it!

Sending you all of my Love and Blessings as well as Gratitude for your continuous support and care!



* As part of the major shifts that have been going on for me, I have decided to take back my birth name which is Marie Madeleine. Like I said, lots and lots has happened and tons to talk to you about! ;-)

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