
Monday, December 20, 2010

Santa Just Dropped Off My Delightfully Raw Books! Yippee!

At last this evening we received cases of my new Delightfully Raw, fresh off the press! Yippeeeeeeee!!! I was literally skipping all around Jozzie's house with joy! (Ask the UPS driver, he'll corroborate! hehe) I can't remember for sure, but come to think of it, the guy might have had a white beard and red clothes! *winking*

I thought I'd share this happy moment with you all and give you a sneak peek of how beautiful the book is! (Can you tell I'm a mighty proud mama?) ;-)

I'm just about finished signing all of the copies that had been pre-ordered (I had to take a short break before my hand fell off! lol) and we'll be sending them on their way tomorrow morning.

Glimpses of behind the scenes of our tiny book shipping operation...

First there's the signing...

 ...then adding my cards.

 And Don slipping in a note pointing out a few booboos we found in the book. (Sorry, some things can't be helped no matter how hard you try!) ;-)

Nearly ready for the post office. Yay!

Now let's all cross our fingers (and toes!) that they arrive on your doorsteps in time for Christmas!


  1. B R A V O , CARMELLA!!!
    may i sell some of my books so that i can buy yours.
    much love & appreciation for your beautiful blog.
    love, patricia

  2. Am so excited and PROUD of you!!! Can hardly wait to receive my copy! Thank you for autographing the book.... hope your hand recuperates so you can get back to uncooking for us to enjoy your creativity! MERRY Christmas and the BEST year ever in 2011!

  3. That is so exciting- I bet the hard copy is gorgeous! I hope you are very successful with this venture. I think your recipes are amazing.

  4. It looks beautiful! Full of color and love. You are amazing Carmella!
