
Sunday, February 3, 2008

Recipe of the Week: Brazil-Broccoli Mash and Miso Gravy

It's been yet another week feasting on lots of yummy new dishes. Amongst other things, I happened to be on the same wave length as my dear friend Heathy as we both made some cannellonis. (If you haven't already checked out the account of her latest dinner party, you can do so here.) For my part, I've posted two delicious filling ideas on Raw Freedom Community if you want to take a peek.

However, I've decided to feature Ani Phyo's outstanding Brazil-Broccoli Mash with Miso Gravy since I've only made it four times in the last 5 days! lol

Broccoli is one of those veggies I don't use a great deal, as Don doesn't care for it much unless it's marinated. However, I felt like venturing into new territories, you know, pushing the taste bud boundaries a bit. (I find it's good to get off the food rut once in a while...) Ani was right; her Broccoli Mash & Gravy is absolutely awesome and was an instant hit, even with Don. I've also served this dish to a non-raw friend, and he likes it so much that he's asked me for the recipe.

Amazing stuff! Another one of those 'must try' recipes!

Brazil-Broccoli Mash
From Ani Phyo's Raw Food Kitchen
Posted on

(Serves 4)

1 clove garlic
1 pinch ground black pepper
1 tsp sea salt (I used a LOT less!)
1 c. raw Brazil nuts
2 c. broccoli, chopped

Process the garlic, pepper, and salt into tiny pieces. Add Brazil nuts and process into a powder. Empty this powder into a bowl and set aside. Next, process broccoli while slowly adding the Brazil nut powder back in.

Serve with Miso Gravy (Optional but so darn good!!!)

Carmella's Note: I've been also making this with different nuts: a mixture of brazil/walnuts, brazil/walnuts/ pecans. Mmmmmm

Miso Gravy
¼ c. miso
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 clove garlic
½ orange, peeled and seeded
1/3 c. extra virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp pitted dates

Blend all ingredients until smooth.

Carmella's Note: I add a touch of water to the gravy as it is a bit too thick for my taste.

Shown below served with dolmas and homemade sauerkraut. Heavenly!

It's getting close to supper time... Better go whip up another batch to serve with Russell's Spinach & Mushroom Quiches! ;-)


  1. I made this broccoli mash too, but without the gravy. I just wanted to add to your comments about the recipe that I found that it was quite salty. I used a 1/4 tsp of salt for a 1/2 batch (so I halved the salt), but I still thought it was super salty. I added some chopped tomato to help absorb some of it. It was good like that. So anyway, for someone sensitive to salt, you may want to start out with less.

  2. Sara,
    Thanks so much for pointing this out. You're right, it is really salty. The first time I made it I ended up adding more broccoli and nuts to compensate. I'm so used to cutting down on salt that I completely forgot to mention it. Oops!

    Oh, and I made it tonite with a mixture of walnuts, brazil and pecans. Delish!

  3. I really really love your blog. I really find inspiration in yours and Heathy's! And if you don't mind me asking... how old are you?

  4. You came out with this while I was on a juice fast, and I dreamed about it 2 nights!! I KNEW I had to make it soon after I came off the fast, so I made it today, it was YUMMERS! I used a little less salt, but it was still too salty. really because I like LOTs of gravy on it, and miso is all salt practically... :)

    I'm DEFINITELY making it again though.

    Also, I didn't have brazil nuts, so I used 1/3 cashews, and 2/3 walnuts.

  5. With all the nuts, it's quite rich on its own (and I just made the broccoli, not the gravy). I'll probably put a scoop of it in a green salad, sort of like how a tuna salad is served, and have it that way.
